Construction, Renovation and Demolition Removal

We do strip out shops ,kitchens, bathrooms garage, sheds, homes garden clean ups horder houses but we do not do ASBESTOS

Construction and Demolition (C&D) materials consist of the debris generated during the construction, renovation and demolition of buildings, roads, and bridges. EPA promotes a Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) approach that identifies certain C&D materials as commodities that can be used in new building projects, thus avoiding the need to mine and process virgin materials.

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Benefits of Reducing the Disposal of C&D Materials

Reducing the amount of C&D materials disposed of in landfills or incinerators can:

Create employment and economic activities in recycling industries and provide increased business opportunities within the local community, especially when deconstruction and selective demolition methods are used.

Reduce overall building project expenses through avoided purchase/disposal costs, and the donation of recovered materials to qualified 501(c)(3) charities, which provides a tax benefit. Onsite reuse also reduces transportation costs.
Lead to fewer disposal facilities, potentially reducing the associated environmental issues.

What You Can Do: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rebuy C&D Materials

You can help divert C&D materials from disposal by practicing source reduction, salvaging, recycling and reusing existing materials, and buying used and recycled materials and products. The following sections provide more information about:

How you can practice source reduction by using less materials and generating less waste from your project;
What deconstruction means and what C&D materials you can salvage for reuse during deconstruction;
How C&D materials can be recycled and how you can find a recycler to recycle them for you; and,
The economic, aesthetic and environmental benefits you can achieve by buying used and recycled products.
